
Ever since I was little, I’ve always gazed up at the night sky in wonder. It’s mysterious qualities and extreme vastness tugged on my curiosity and pulled me up into it’s darkness. Ever since then, I’ve dreamed about studying the vast reaches of the universe, and maybe one day, help to establish a colony on Mars. My love for astronomy only grew as I began to unravel the complex ideas behind it. My hope is to create a place where people can learn and understand the world beyond our planet in a language that is common to all. With this blog, anybody, from an expert in the field to people who are simply curious about space, can learn and contribute their ideas. I hope that you enjoy learning about the universe and what scientists all over the globe are doing to solve some of the greatest mysteries that we have ever faced.

~ Follow me on social media for more updates and mind blowing facts about our universe!

Instagram: @thestarwanderer

Email: TheMidnightSkyInfo@gmail.com